A lot of people who have lost all their teeth often lose their confidence. Without teeth, it is also very difficult to chew or speak. Dentures can help bring back your smile and give you the ability to chew and speak with confidence. Whether you require full dentures or partial ones, dentures can have a very positive effect on your quality of life.
Here are some facts and tips about dentures:
Facts About Dentures
About 20 million people in American wear dentures, including 3% of people between the ages of 18 and 34.
Tips For Taking Care of Your Dentures
Once you get your dentures, it is important to keep visiting us at ZenTech Dentistry. Doing so will help ensure your dentures are in good shape and your mouth is healthy. If you want to get dentures, call us at (503) 765-9699 today.
Talk to one of our caring patient coordinators today to schedule an appointment.
Dr. Frank Sioda 18676 Willamette Dr. Suite 202 West Linn, OR 97068-1718
Dental Blog | Dentist West Linn | ZenTech Dentistry Dr. Frank Sioda of ZenTech Dentistry has created this informative blog to help educate the community about a variety of dental topics. Learn more here. ZenTech Dentistry - Frank K. Sioda, DMD, PC, 18676 Willamette Dr., Suite 202, West Linn, OR 97068-1718, (503) 765-9699, zentechdentistry.com, 2/18/2025, Page Terms:dentist West Linn,